Cryptocurrency | Binance sms77 Slack
Binance Liquidation Check
Use Streamsheets to check a set mark price to your liquidation price for Binance futures.

Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange that is the largest in the world in terms of the daily trading volume of cryptocurrencies. Binance provides an application programming interface (API) for users to create applications and automate processes.
An HTTP server accepts requests via HTTP or HTTPS. A user agent triggered communication by initializing a request. The server responds with the content of the requested resource.
This template defines two URL paths to get different responses from the server. An error message is returned if an unknown path is used in the request.
How it works:
- Before you start, make sure you have created a Slack App, added it to your workspace, and set up an incoming webhook.
- Add a Binance Integration Account.
- Add an SMS77 Integration Account.
- Add the Integration Accounts to your App.
- Add the webhook in URL in cell DataReceiver!B34 and a phone number in DataReceiver!B45
- Start the App