
Pro Streamsheets
Shopify Dashboard (Part 1): Build a Shopify-to-Kafka Gateway
In this video post you learn how you can build a cloud-based Streamsheet that serves as a gateway between Shopify webhooks (executed by a Shopify Online Store) and Apache Kafka (hosted on Confluent Cloud).

Pro Streamsheets
Condition Monitoring with Streamsheets and MongoDB
Implementing a condition monitoring use case with Streamsheets and MongoDB. Production data is visualized, analyzed, processed and stored in a MongoDB.

Pro Streamsheets
Analytics, Dashboards and Predictive Maintenance with Streamsheets
Find out how to build a dynamic dashboard that analyzes and visualizes data in realtime.

Pro Streamsheets
Controlling Industrial Machinery with Snips AI and Streamsheets
In this post I will integrate an artificial intelligence based technology named Snips to control a sorting process in real-time.

Pro Streamsheets
Connecting Streamsheets to Industrial Machinery via MQTT
Streamsheets is suitable for many use cases in industrial environments (e.g. Smart Factory, Industrie 4.0, Industrial IoT). In this blog you find a 4 minute video that shows how to control an industrial machinery that sorts incoming parts according to their color and shape.

Pro Streamsheets
Snips, Shelly and Streamsheets
We will build our own intelligent speech assistant to control the lighting in several rooms.

Pro Streamsheets
Simple Streamsheets Demo: Hello Shelly
We will implement an always online, always running rule engine that controls an electrical switch.

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